Set table

BUSSE Christmas party 2022


The BUSSE Christmas party 2022 in the Ulm boathouse.

A successful evening and end to a successful 2022! We celebrated a great team and a successful year full of exciting projects and had a great time at the Bootshaus Ulm.

Afterwards, a few tireless people headed into the city center for the after-show party at the Cocomo Club Ulm.

Restaurant from the outside
Group sitting at a table in the restaurant
Menschen freuen sich
Restaurant from the inside
Christmas tree
Speech in the restaurant
Group picture
Das moderne BUSSE DESIGN+ENGINEERING Headquarter mit großen Glasfenstern wird von innen beleuchtet und hebt sich vom dunkler werdenden Himmel während der Dämmerung ab. Das Bild zeigt architektonisches Design und natürliche Beleuchtungseffekte.